Who knew that printing a new firm brochure would be such an adventure? We just put out a new firm brochure for the first time in a few years. We were really proud of it: it's colorful, glossy -- a real classy, eye-catching deal. And then we got the call from California. It seems a lawyer from California was arrested on the Guadalupe River in New Braunfels this weekend for, of all things, violation of the city boom box ordinance. But that's not what was interesting about the call. We have two toll free numbers -- one for our New Braunfels office, one for Seguin. One of the numbers he saw on the brochure when he was dialing was the toll free number for Seguin.
Turns out what he got, instead of us, was an adult phone sex line offering conversations with very interesting ladies. Now, mind you, this brochure was proofed repeatedly by four people, has been out for about three weeks, has been sent to hundreds of people, and was reviewed for compliance by the Advertising Review Committee of the State Bar of Texas. But not until now did anyone bother to mention that anything was out of the ordinary.
The attorney helpfully pointed out that this might not be the image for which we were striving. For the record, our correct toll free number for Seguin is 1-866-387-2722. The most interesting part about this incident: since the new brochure went out, our business in Seguin has increased approximately 50 percent compared to July of last year. Haven't heard if business is up for the phone sex line. If so, talk about synergy.