If you have the great misfortune of having a Possession of Marijuana case in Comal County, you need to be aware that the outcome of your case may hinge on your ability to pass a drug test. Currently, there are two county court-at-law judges hearing possession of marijuana cases in Comal County. Before accepting a plea bargain deal, both judges will grill a defendant about whether or not he would pass or fail a drug test to be given immediately after the acceptance of the deal. One judge flat out refuses to allow a plea to move forward if the defendant admits that he would fail a drug test.
Both judges have a policy that, if a defendant states that he will pass a drug test, a deal for probation is accepted, and then the defendant later fails a drug test that day, then the defendant will receive ten (10) days in the county jail as a special condition of probation. I have lost track of how many defendants have been offered deals that would allow them, at some point, to either expunge or partially seal their criminal records, only to have the deal busted (or worse, to have been locked up in jail ) because of a dirty urinalysis. I have also lost track of how many defendants in Comal County marijuana cases have lied to their attorneys about whether they would test dirty, only to confess to drug use once they have gotten in front of the bench and started staring ten days in the face.
If you have a Comal County Possession of Marijuana case, remember these things: 1. For the purposes of a urinalysis, the markers for marijuana use will stay in your system for approximately 42 days. Forget all the junk you've read on the internet or heard from your buddies about eating certain foods, drinking gallons of water, "sweating it out", or any of the other nonsense floating around about how to get past a UA.
Over the years, I have seen many people try to fool drug tests, only to fail. If you have consumed marijuana within 42 days of your court date in Comal County, do not lie to the court and take your chances. You are only buying yourself jail time; 2. Don't lie to your lawyer about whether or not you've smoked. If you have recently smoked, your lawyer can't help deal with that fact if he doesn't know; 3. This may sound radical, but you might want to abstain from using illegal drugs while you have a drug case pending. It's not worth an extra trip to jail or a drug conviction of your record the next time you apply for a job. Just saying...